Welcome to a night in hell
Open every Friday & Saturday in October
Rough terrain throughout forest!
Hiking-appropriate shoes recommended!
Rough terrain throughout forest! ~ Hiking-appropriate shoes recommended! ~
Not your typical haunted house
The quad cities #1 haunted forest attraction is back for the 2024 Haunt season and will open October 4th!
Our owners are excited to bring the the quad cities top haunted forest back in 2024.
We have refined many of our processes and added a number of haunted attractions that are sure to give you nightmares! We are committed to providing the top horror experience in the Quad Cities!
This year will feature:
New & Updated Scenes
Renovated surfaces for easier walking
More Actors
More Props
Shorter wait times
More Screams!!!
We’re Waiting For you 🔪

Quick Facts:
Door Admission:
General Admission:
Group Rate:
$15 each with the purchase of 5 or more
Open 7pm-12am the following dates in 2024:
October 4th & 5th
October 11th & 12th
October 18th & 19th
October 25th & 26th
Online Ticket Sales
Use promo code “horror24” to receive $5 off per ticket before October 4th